Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Short Getaway - Part 2

 Well, as promised, I've finally edited the last 
of our photos from our short getaway to Dundee
Beach and beyond.

Since moving here, in 2013, we still have yet to visit
Litchfield National Park. I know. Shame, shame. 
It's on my big bucket list. 

But anyway, on our way home from Dundee Beach,
we thought we'd take a short detour through Litchfield
and at least get a quick peek. This is not classed as visiting
the park, in my opinion, as I'm anxious to go just after the wet,
in order to see all the falls flowing. 

Anyway, we were able to have a quick look at Wangi Falls.
It was very busy with swimmers (despite numerous crocs caught 
there over the years), but I was able to imagine what it would look like in the wet at least. 

After our brief iced coffee and short walk, we
headed off and onto the Reynolds River Track 
to check that out. Turns out it wasn't much of a 4WD 
track, at least not in the dry, but was a nice change 
from the usual Stuart Hwy trek. 

A lot of sandy roads and an interesting old mine to
walk around and read about. 

 Then, of course, fire!
We hoped that we wouldn't have to turn around
and go all the way back because of the fires, 
but thankfully, after passing them quite close,
the road veered in a different direction. 

A couple of small creek crossings. 

One of the highlights was a herd ? mob? of buffalo
taking a bath in a dam. They're so ugly. But interesting.
Anyway, the biggest mob I've seen before. 

All in all, it was a nice, brief, getaway for Dave and I,
and another road travelled that we hadn't driven before. 

Life is short. Make the most of those times to 
get away and spend time with those you love,
adventuring together and enjoying God's beautiful creation.

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