Monday, February 4, 2019

Beautiful Mimi 

Miriam came for a visit the other 
day, and usually, I'm too busy to
pull out the camera. But, life doesn't 
stand still and babies grow up,
and precious moments are gone.
So, with that in mind, I thought
I'd take a few (108) snaps, while 
I had the chance. 

I didn't bother waiting for that
perfect shot, the perfect lighting,
the perfect back drop. I just snapped away
while Mim happily played with her
Aunties and ate bikkies with her Grandpa. 

And sipped milk with Aunty Coco (Chloe)

And helped Aunty Moo (Maddy) with folding the washing. 

Yep, she's growing up fast, and soon
there'll be another beautiful little grandbaby
to cuddle and take photos of. I can't wait! 

1 comment:

  1. Jillian, Mimi really is beautiful <3 Thank such precious moments. xxyou for sharing such gorgeous pictures. You are so right, time goes so fast! I'm glad you are documenting
