Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Bloom Where You're Planted

Bloom where you're planted. Yes. 
It's one of those sayings we hear so often and that we
 sometimes groan when someone quotes it to us.

But, despite that, it really is a good saying. 
God expects us to bloom wherever it is He has planted us.

What brought this to my mind, was a walk down our driveway yesterday. As I passed by our neighbour's overgrown backyard, on the other side of our fence, I noticed a green plant with little purple flowers blooming on it. This is not strange, as we've had some recent rain. But what I found interesting, was that it was smack bang in the middle of some dead leaves and the branches of another tree. It was in an ugly place. It was behind an ugly wire fence, 
next to an ugly dried up old tree, 
amongst ugly dead leaves and rotting vegetation. 

Here was a flower, blooming in the midst of ugliness.

It got me thinking about my life. Do I bloom where I'm planted? Do I shine despite the ugliness around me? A lot of times, the circumstances of life threaten to choke us and bring us to our knees, and it seems 
there is no way that we can 'bloom'. 
We are struggling just to be able to hold onto life and keep going.

But God expects more from us than just holding on and keeping afloat. He expects us to bloom. And not just in the 'green' times. He wants us to bloom during the hardships. Radiate His love to all around. 
Show the lost world the love of Christ.

When there is ugliness all around and the rains don't come, the leaves are dry, and the grass is dead, God is still there, sending His showers of blessing down on our lives, sending the sunshine of His Word to tease the little buds into opening into full bloom. A full bloom that shouts to all who see it,
 God is great! God is good! 
God is bigger than all your problems!

At times, I look around me and see 'ugliness'. I see a little town called Katherine. A town that is plagued by crime and domestic violence. A town where there are hurting people. Broken families. Where everyday there is news of
 break ins, stabbings, accidents.

But God has put me here. God has chosen to have me live here and be a witness and a testimony here in this town, with these people. I can choose to dry up and blend in to the ugliness that surrounds me, or I can choose to bloom. To be that testimony of God's love. I can be that light in the darkness that shows the way to Christ. God is the light that lives in me, and if I am walking in His perfect will, obeying His commands, 
radiating Christ's love, I can be a light in the darkness.

There are a lot of Christians in this town of Katherine, that God has put here for the specific purpose of sharing the gospel and directing the lost towards Christ. There are a lot of 'blooms' here, being a splash of 
colour in a colourless lost world.

Wherever it is God has you, there will be other Christians that are trying to bloom where they're planted. Find those like-minded Christians, fellowship with them, work with them towards a common goal. That of seeing the lost come to Christ. Now, I'm not talking of holding hands with anyone who professes Christ, we have to be cautious and discerning about who we link up with, but God will give you other Christians that you know to be straight in doctrine and pure in motive and those are the ones 
you can work with to bring the lost to Christ.

I think that if we are each, individually, blooming for Christ, then together, we can create a lovely bouquet that reaches out, sharing our fragrance with the lost. Our blooms might be different colours, shapes and sizes, but we are one in Christ and the work we can do together for Christ can be a witness to all around us.

I want people to look at my life and want what I have. I don't want to blend in and become camouflage. I want to stand out in full bloom,
 my colours shouting to the world that there is hope. 

There is a Saviour. 
There is a Redeemer. 
There is forgiveness. 
There is a love like no other.

So, take another look at that saying, “Bloom where you're planted”, and really evaluate your 'bloom' and what it looks like to the outside world. Be all God wants you to be. Work hard wherever you are. Choose to rise above your circumstances, like a sunflower reaching for the sunlight. Find whatever it is God wants you to do and do it with all your heart. Do it for the Lord. 

Give Him all the glory. 
He is the reason you can bloom. 
He is the source of refreshment.
 He is the rain during drought. 
He is the light in the darkness. 
He is the rainbow in the clouds.

Bloom and Grow.

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