When I consider the work of Thy hands,The sun, moon and stars above,
What is man that Thou thinkest of him
Who is so unworthy of Thy love?
What is man that Thou thinkest of him
Who is so unworthy of Thy love?
O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is Thy name.
Mountains, valleys, all creation tells Thy fame.
Heavens declare it; all Thy wondrous works proclaim:
O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is Thy name.
Heavens are telling the glory of God;
Each tree points to Christ on high.
Why would God, the creator of all
Take the form of lowly flesh to die?
O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is Thy name.
Mountains, valleys, all creation tells Thy fame.
Heavens declare it; all Thy wondrous works proclaim:
O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is Thy name.
Jesus, Creator and Ruler of all
Left heaven to die for me.
Came to earth, laid aside heaven's throne
In exchange for death on Calvary.
O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is Thy name.
Mountains, valleys, all creation tells Thy fame.
Heavens declare it; all Thy wondrous works proclaim:
O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is Thy name.
R. Hamilton

This past week saw the girls
and I headed up to Darwin
for a night to do some shopping
and run some errands.
I was able to take the girls to Lee Point
to watch the sunset.
I was almost 40 by the time I was able
to watch the sun set over
the ocean because of living on the East Coast.
Our first time was over in Western Australia,
but now, it's just up the road.
So, camera in hand,
we spent a couple hours enjoying one
of Chloe's favourite places. The beach.
There's just something mesmerizing about
watching the colours change over the ocean
and listening to the sounds of the waves coming in.
The sun drops so fast that you
can watch it moving down
toward the horizon and disappear.
Of course, I wanted to take some silhouettes,
but I had a struggle getting the girls to co operate.
Although, they did better than usual knowing that
in the photos you wouldn't really
be able to see their faces.
Going, going, going, gone.
I've put together a 1 minute video
of the sunset for you, just in case
you live on the East Coast or in
the middle of the outback, and really
want to experience the sights and sounds.
What an amazing God and Creator
that day after day, can cause us to marvel
at His beautiful creation,
just by the going down
of the sun.
Psalm 113:3
From the rising of the sun unto the going
down of the same the LORD'S name is to be praised.
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