Beautiful Bitter Springs
Mataranka, NT

If you're ever over our way, you need to visit
the beautiful hot springs in Mataranka,
about an hour and a half's drive away from Katherine.
We hadn't had a chance to visit since we moved here,
having stayed there on our travels around Australia.
On Saturday, we needed to go to Mataranka,
so decided to drop in for a dip.
This waterhole is warm and crystal clear.
It is up to 3 metres deep in places and you
can see right to the bottom. There is a slight
current flowing that takes you downstream.
Don't bother trying to swim back upstream
unless you're an Olympic swimmer.
On this particular day we had it almost to ourselves
which was lovely. There were overhanging spider
webs all along with huge spiders dangling, so as
long as you didn't jump up or wave your arms, you were fine :)
It was kind of eerie swimming with goggles on and looking down.
It's like swimming on the reef, but it's white sand, algae, moss
logs, little fish and all sorts of slimy stuff.
Oh, and Dave found $2!!
There were also hundreds of dragon flies too,
in a variety of colours.
Looking back upstream
Idyllic I know.
Until you have to get out and walk back
up on very sharp pieces of gravel!!
But well worth it!
Ah, Mataranka. It's such an amazing place, isn't it. I don't think I have ever seen water so clear anywhere else. When I swam there, I didn't notice any spiders. Just as well. I didn't find any $2 either. Don't let Dave spend it all on one place. Glad you all got a chance to swim there, in spite of the sharp gravel walk.